310-945-5651 deb@deborahderas.com
Consulting with Deborah Deras Latina Keynote Speaker

Would you like to improve your marketing to book more business?

Would you like to leverage your expertise to be paid to speak? 

Deborah Deras has a Masters Degree in Education/Counseling and a Bachelor’s Degree in Counseling. She is a Master Results Coach and certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner. NLP brought to the mainstream by Tony Robbins is the science of how our minds and communication affect our behavior both the conscious and subconscious level. Once we are aware of the programs that run us we can stop them and achieve optimal results. Since all of Deborah’s programs are results-driven we prefer this approach because we can get to the root cause of your challenges and transform them quickly.

Deborah started her first coaching practice, Passionate Living Now in 1999, and has coached hundreds of thousands of people for success in their Career, Business, and Life. She worked as a coach for Peak Potentials and T. Harve Ecker, author of Secrets of a Millionaire Mind program, and started her private practice in 2000 and has been transforming lives ever since.

I came to you for more confidence in my Career and when you helped me release that limiting belief I attracted my true love. Thank you, Deborah Deras.

– Nancy M., Stanford Graduate / Attorney


You literally changed the course of my entire life. I came when at a crossroads in my Career and your NLP coaching aligned me for success and started a lucrative business, met my soulmate, started investing and literally have created my dream life with my dream partner.

– Jennifer G.

 To receive a complimentary 30-minute clarity session to discuss how I can assist you to clear subconscious blockages with NLP, mindset for launching your book or business or help with public speaking. Click HERE to schedule. 


4 Steps to Increase Productivity

3 Tips to Realign your Mindset for Success


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