310-945-5651 deb@deborahderas.com

Vino & Virtual Visionboard Playshop

Visionboard Workshop Are you ready to let go of 2020? Would you like to set yourself up for success in 2021? Join Deborah Deras and a group of passionate purposeful people for a Virtual Visionboard Session on ZOOM. Deborah has been facilitating these powerful...

Virtual Vino & Visionboard Playshop

Are you ready to let go of 2020? Then it is vital to gather the lessons so they do not repeat? Join Deborah Deras and a group of passionate purposeful people for a Virtual Visionboard Session on ZOOM. Deborah has been facilitating these powerful workshops for over two...

Visionboard Playshop – Online

Visionboard Playshop Join Deborah Deras and a group of passionate purposeful people for a Virtual Visionboard Session on ZOOM or an option to join a select 10 (first to register first serve in West LA for a socially distanced outdoor Playshop). Deborah has been...
4 Steps to Increase Productivity

3 Tips to Realign your Mindset for Success


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